All Individuals & HUF can prefer to pay tax as per new slab rates without availing exemptions & deductions for the fiscal year 2020-21 and Assessment Year 2021-22 as per the Budget 2020.
An option has been given to all or any individuals/HUF to pay tax as per new slab rates (Optional tax regime) on total income computed without claiming any deductions/exemptions – As per Sec 115BAC inserted by Finance Act, 2020 -Applicable from FY 2020-21 (AY 2021-22). Below table summarizes tax rates as per optional tax regime Vs. old rates:

Total Income (Rs.)
Existing Tax Rates (%)
New Tax Rates (Optional) (%)
5,00,001 – 7,50,000
7,50,001 – 10,00,000
10,00,001 – 12,50,000

12,50,001 – 15,00,000
> 15,00,000
• Basic exemption limit for an oldster and super citizen individuals remains unchanged at Rs.3,00,000 and Rs.5,00,000
• Rebate of tax (i.e. up to Rs.12,500 if total income doesn't exceed Rs.5,00,000) remains unchanged and equally applicable for resident individual albeit preferring to choose new tax
• No change in surcharge rates. However, a surcharge on STT paid capital gains shall not exceed 15%.
Individuals/HUF who doesn't have business income & prefer to pay tax as per new regime, the option shall be exercised for every year at the time of filing of ITR
Allowances/investments not eligible for claiming deductions/exemptions if choose new tax regime
An Individual/HUF who doesn't have business income and choose new tax regime shall not be eligible to say various allowances/investments as deductions/exemptions under different heads of income and therefore the same are summarized below:

Allowances/investments eligible for claiming as deductions/exemptions if choose new tax regime
An Individual/HUF who doesn't have business income and choose new tax regime shall eligible to say the below mentioned allowances/investments as deductions/exemptions only, under different heads of income:

Other conditions
i. The option shall be exercised for each year along side filing of tax return
ii. No exemption in respect of free coupon/meal vouchers (i.e. taxable within the hands of employee as prerequisite) – Proposed to amend Rule 3 of tax Rules,
Individuals/HUF having business income & prefer to pay tax as per new rates, option is often exercised at any time on or before the maturity of filing ITR for any AY on or after 2021-22 and applicable for subsequent AY’s also.
Amounts not eligible for claiming as deductions under the top income from business or profession
An Individual/HUF having business income and prefer to pay tax as per new rates shall not be eligible to say various deductions under the top PGBP and therefore the same are summarized below:
Eligible to say deduction u/s 80JJAA in respect of additional employee cost
Not required to pay Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) and not eligible to hold forward and depart of AMT credit, if any
• Provisions of AMT shall not apply to Individual/HUF having business income and prefer to pay tax as per new regime – Sec 115JC amended by Finance Act,
• Individual/HUF having business income and choose new tax regime, shall not be eligible to line off of brought forward AMT credit, if any and carry over and depart of AMT credit, if any – 115JD amended by Finance Act,
The time limit for loan sanction under affordable housing scheme extended till 31-Mar- 2021 for availing deduction of interest on loan taken by a private
• An individual is eligible to say deduction of interest payable up to Rs.1,50,000 on loan taken for the purchase of residential house property for AY 2020-21 and subsequently if the subsequent conditions are satisfied:
> Loan taken from financial organization during 01-Apr-2019 to 31-Mar-2020 (extended till 31-Mar-2021 – Amended by Finance Act, 2020);
> stamp the tax value of the property doesn't exceed 45,00,000
> Individual doesn't own any residential house property on the date of sanction of loan
• Deduction claimed under this section shall not be eligible to say as deduction once more under the other section under the
Cumulative employer’s contribution to recognized PF approved pension fund and NPS in more than Rs.7.50 lakhs is taxable within the hands of employee as perquisite
• To bring uniformity in taxation between high earning and low earning salaried employees in respect of employer’s contribution to recognized PF, approved pension fund and National Pension Scheme, Sec 17(2)(vii) of the The act was amended vide Finance Act, 2020 by introducing a combined upper cap limit of Rs.7,50,000 and any excess contribution made by an employer shall be taxable within the hands of employee as
• Further, clause (viia) of sub-section (2) of section 17 introduced to tax annual accretion by way of interest, dividend or the other amount of comparable nature during the previous year to the accumulated balance to the extent of contribution included in the total income of the individual as per section 17(2)(vii).
Head-wise summary of Investments/expenses not eligible for claiming as deduction/ exemption if prefer to pay tax as per new rates
S No
Section/ Rule
Head of income
Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)


House Rent Allowance (HRA)
Allowances covered (for e.g. allowances to meet the cost of living or to meet personal expenses etc.)
Standard deduction of Rs.50,000

Entertainment allowance (to government employees) Max. Rs. 5000/-
Tax on employment (i.e. Professional Tax – PT)
Interest on housing loan (Self-occupied/Vacant Property – Sec. 23(2)) Max Rs.2,00,000/-
House Property
Family Pension
Other Sources
Capital expenditure on specified business

Expenditure on agricultural extension project
LIC Premium, Children Tuition Fees, PF contribution, Principal component of housing loan etc..,

Chapter – VIA deductions (from Gross Total Income)

Contribution to certain pension funds
Employee’s contribution to the national pension scheme
Health Insurance Premium/Medical Expenditure/Preventive Health-check up
Maintenance/medical treatment of the dependent disabled person
Medical treatment of specified diseases
Interest on loan taken for higher education
Interest on loan taken for residential house property
Interest on loan taken for residential house property (if not eligible to claim u/s 80EE)
Interest on loan taken for the purchase of an electric vehicle
Donation institutions to certain funds/charitable
Rent paid (if not eligible deduction u/s 10(13A)) to claim HRA

Free Download Automated Excel Based Software All in One  For Govt &Non-Govt employees for the Financial Year 2020-21 and Assessment Year 2021-22 (Old Regime and New Regime method as per Budget 2020)

The main feature of this Excel Utility
1)     This Excel Utility can prepare at a time all of the Income Tax Calculation sheet.
2)     This Excel Utility Prepare Automated Income Tax Computed Sheet as per Budget 2020 ( New Tax Regime & Old Regime)
3)     This Excel utility can prepare automatic Income Tax Computed Sheet for individual Salary Sheet for Govt and Non-Govt employees
4)     This Excel Utility can prepare Automatic Income Tax House Rent Exemption Calculation U/s 10(13A) if you Opt-in Old Tax Regime.
5)     Prepare automated Income Tax Arrears Relief Calculator U/s 89(1) with Form 10E from the F.Y. 2000-01 to F.Y. 2020-21 (Amended Version)
6)     Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part A&B for F.Y. 2020-21
7)     Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part B for F.Y. 2020-21

8)      Automatic Convert the amount to the In-Words without any Excel Formula.
 Main Data Input Sheet
 Employee's Details Input Portion
 Deductor's Details Portion
 Tax Computed Portion
 Salary Structure for both of Govt and Non-Govt Employees
 Automated Revised Form 16 Part A&B
 Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part B
Automated Arrears Relief Calculation U/s 89(1) with Form 10E