1. Segment 80C

Conclusions on Ventures

Under segment 80C, a conclusion of Rs 1,50,000 can be guaranteed from your aggregate pay. In basic terms, you can diminish up to Rs 1,50,000 from your aggregate assessable pay through area 80C. This reasoning is permitted to an Individual or a HUF. A most extreme of Rs 1, 50,000 can be asserted for the FY 2018-19, 2017-18 and FY 2016-17 each.

On the off chance that you have made good on abundance regulatory expenses, however have put resources into LIC, PPF, Mediclaim, brought about towards educational cost charges etc.and have missed asserting a finding of the equivalent under 80C, you can document your Wage Assessment form, guarantee these reasonings and get a discount of overabundance charges paid

2. Segment 80CCC

Derivation for Premium Paid for Annuity Plan of LIC or Other Safety net provider

This area gives a derivation to a person for any sum paid or kept in any annuity plan of LIC or some other safety net provider. The arrangement must be for getting a benefit from a reserve alluded to in Segment 10(23AAB). Benefits got from the annuity or sum endless supply of the annuity, including interest or reward accumulated on the annuity, is assessable in the time of receipt.

3. Segment 80CCD

Derivation for Commitment to Annuity Record

A. Representative's commitment – Segment 80CCD (1) is permitted to a person who makes stores to his/her annuity account. Most extreme conclusion permitted is 10% of pay (on the off chance that the citizen is a worker) or 20% of gross aggregate pay (in the event that the citizen acting naturally utilized) or Rs 1, 50,000, whichever is less.

FY 2016-17 and prior years – On account of an independently employed individual, greatest finding permitted is 10% of gross aggregate wage.


B. Deduction for self-commitment to NPS – segment 80CCD (1B) another area 80CCD (1B) has been presented for an extra derivation of up to Rs 50,000 for the sum saved by a citizen to their NPS account. Commitments to Atal Benefits Yojana are likewise qualified.

C. Manager's commitment to NPS – Area 80CCD (2) Extra derivation takes into consideration boss' commitment to representative's benefits record of up to 10% of the compensation of the worker. There is no financial roof on this finding.

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4. Area 80 TTA

Finding from Gross Aggregate Pay for Enthusiasm on Reserve funds Ledger

A conclusion of most extreme Rs 10,000 can be guaranteed against premium salary from a funds ledger. Enthusiasm from investment funds financial balance should be first incorporated into other pay and conclusion can be guaranteed of the aggregate premium earned or Rs 10,000, whichever is less. This reasoning is permitted to an individual or a HUF. It tends to be asserted for enthusiasm on stores in an investment account with a bank, co-agent society, or mail station. Area 80TTA reasoning isn't accessible on intrigue pay from settled stores, repeating stores, or intrigue salary from corporate securities.

5. Segment 80GG

Derivation for House Lease Paid Where HRA isn't Gotten

A. This derivation is accessible for lease paid when HRA isn't gotten. The citizen, mate or minor tyke ought not to claim private convenience at the place of business

B. The citizen ought not to have self-involved private property in some other place

C. The citizen must live on lease and paying rent

D. The derivation is accessible to all people

Derivation accessible is the minimum of the accompanying:

a. Lease paid less 10% of balanced aggregate pay

b. Rs 5,000/ - every month

c. 25% of balanced aggregate income*

*Adjusted Net Aggregate Wage is touched base at in the wake of modifying the Gross Aggregate Salary for specific conclusions, excluded salaries, long-haul capital additions and wage identifying with non-occupants and outside organizations. An online e-recording programming like that of ClearTax can be to a great degree simple as the breaking points are auto-ascertained and you don't need to stress over making complex estimations. From FY 2016-17 accessible finding has been raised to Rs 5,000 per month from Rs 2,000 every month.

6. Segment 80E

Conclusion for Enthusiasm on Instruction Credit for Higher Investigations

A derivation is permitted to a person for enthusiasm on credit is taken for seeking after advanced education. This advance may have been taken for the citizen, life partner or kids or for an understudy for whom the citizen is a legitimate gatekeeper. The derivation is accessible for a most extreme of 8 years (starting the year in which the intrigue begins getting reimbursed) or till the whole intrigue is reimbursed, whichever is prior. There is no limitation on the sum that can be asserted.

7. Segment 80EE

Conclusions on Home Credit Enthusiasm for First Time Property holders

FY 2017-18 and FY 2016-17 This conclusion is accessible in FY 2017-18 if the credit has been taken in FY 2016-17. The finding under this segment is accessible just to a person who is a first-time property holder. The estimation of the property obtained must be not as much as Rs 50 lakh and the home credit must be not as much as Rs 35 lakh. The advance must be taken from a monetary foundation and more likely than not been authorized between 01 April 2016 to 31 Walk 2017. Through this segment, an extra derivation of Rs 50,000 can be guaranteed on home advance intrigue. This is notwithstanding reasoning of Rs 2,00,000 permitted under segment 24 of the Wage Assessment Represent a self-involved house property.


FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 This area gives a finding on the home advance intrigue paid. The derivation under this area is accessible just to people for the main house acquired where the estimation of the house is Rs 40 lakh or less and the credit taken for the house is Rs 25 lakh or less. The advance must be authorized between 01 April 2013 to 31 Walk 2014. The total reasoning permitted under this segment can't surpass Rs 1,00,000 and is took into account FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15.

8. Area 80CCG

Rajiv Gandhi Value Sparing Plan (RGESS)

The finding under this segment is accessible to an inhabitant person. Financial specialists whose gross aggregate pay is not as much as Rs. 12 lakhs. To profit the advantages under this area the accompanying conditions ought to be met:


a. The assessee ought to be another retail financial specialist according to the prerequisite determined under the advised plan.

b. The speculation ought to be made in such recorded financial specialist according to the prerequisite indicated under the told plan.

c. The base secure period in regard of such venture is three years from the date of obtaining as per the advised plan.

An endless supply of the above conditions, a finding, which is lower of coming up next is permitted.


•           50% of the sum put resources into value shares; or

•           Rs 25,000 for three sequential Appraisal Years.

Rajiv Gandhi Value Plan has been stopped beginning from 1 April 2017. In this manner, no reasoning under area 80CCG will be permitted from FY 2017-18. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you have put resources into the RGESS plot in FY 2016-17, at that point you can guarantee to find under Segment 80CCG until FY 2018-19.

9. Segment 80D

Conclusion for the premium paid for Medicinal Protection, Derivation under this segment is accessible to an individual or a HUF. A reasoning of Rs. 25,000 can be asserted for protection of self, mate and ward kids. An extra reasoning for protection of guardians is accessible to the degree of Rs 25,000 in the event that they are under 60 years old or Rs 50,000 (has been expanded in Spending plan 2018 from Rs 30,000) if guardians are over 60 years of age. On the off chance that, a citizens age and guardians age is 60 years or over, the most extreme finding accessible under this segment is to the degree of Rs. 100,000. Precedent: Rohan's age is 65 and his dad's age is 90. For this situation, the greatest reasoning Rohan can guarantee under segment 80D is Rs. 100,000. From FY 2015-16 an aggregate extra reasoning of Rs. 5,000 is taken into account the preventive wellbeing checks up to people.

10. Segment 80DD

Conclusion for Recovery of Debilitated Ward Relative

This reasoning is accessible to an occupant individual or a HUF and is accessible on:

a. Use brought about on medicinal treatment (counting nursing), preparing and recovery of impeded ward relative

b. Installment or store to determined plan for upkeep of ward incapacitated relative.

I. Where handicap is 40% or more yet under 80% – settled derivation of Rs 75,000.

ii. Where there is extreme incapacity (inability is 80% or more) – settled derivation of Rs 1,25,000.

To guarantee this derivation a testament of inability is required from a recommended restorative expert. From FY 2015-16 – The finding furthest reaches of Rs 50,000 has been raised to Rs 75,000 and Rs 1,00,000 has been raised to Rs 1,25,000.

11. Segment 80DDB

Derivation for Therapeutic Use on Self or Ward Relative

This derivation is accessible to an occupant individual or a HUF. The derivation that can be asserted is Rs 40,000. Such finding, for an individual, is accessible in regard of any costs brought about towards treatment of certain predetermined medicinal infections or illnesses for himself or any of his wards. For a HUF, such finding is accessible in regard of medicinal costs caused towards these recommended sicknesses, for any of the individuals from the HUF.

On the off chance that the person for the benefit of whom such costs are brought about is a senior national, a finding up to Rs 1 lakh can be asserted by the individual or HUF citizen. Prior i.e. until FY 2017-18, the finding that could be guaranteed for a senior native and a super senior resident was Rs 60,000 and Rs 80,000 individually. This generally implies, now it is a typical conclusion accessible up to Rs 1 lakh for every senior resident (counting super senior subjects) in contrast to prior.

Any repayment of restorative costs by a backup plan or boss will be diminished from the quantum of finding the citizen can guarantee under this segment.

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18. Deductions-Summary  

Section 80 Deduction Table

Deduction on
Allowed Limit (maximum) FY 2018-19
Investment in PPF
– Employee’s share of PF contribution
– NSCs
– Life Insurance Premium payment
– Children’s Tuition Fee
– Principal Repayment of the home loan
– Investment in Sukanya Samridhi Account
– Sum paid to purchase a deferred annuity
– Five-year deposit scheme
– Senior Citizens savings scheme
– Subscription to notified securities/notified deposits scheme
– Contribution to notified Pension Fund set up by Mutual Fund or UTI.
– Subscription to Home Loan Account scheme of the National Housing Bank
– Subscription to deposit scheme of a public sector or company engaged in providing housing finance
– Contribution to notified annuity Plan of LIC
– Subscription to equity shares/ debentures of an approved eligible issue
– Subscription to notified bonds of NABARD
Rs. 1,50,000
For amount deposited in annuity plan of LIC or any other insurer for a pension from a fund referred to in Section 10(23AAB)
Employee’s contribution to NPS account (maximum up to Rs 1,50,000)
Employer’s contribution to NPS account
Maximum up to 10% of salary
The additional contribution to NPS
Rs. 50,000
Interest Income from Savings account
Maximum up to 10,000
Exemption of interest from banks, post office, etc. Applicable only to senior citizens
Maximum up to 50,000
For rent paid when HRA is not received from the employer
Least of :
– Rent paid minus 10% of the total income
– Rs. 5000/- per month
– 25% of total income
Interest on education loan
Interest paid for a period of 8 years
Interest on home loan for first time home owners
Rs 50,000
Rajiv Gandhi Equity Scheme for investments in Equities
Lower of
– 50% of the amount invested in equity shares; or
– Rs 25,000
Medical Insurance – Self, spouse, children
Medical Insurance – Parents more than 60 years old or (from FY 2015-16) uninsured parents more than 80 years old
– Rs. 25,000
– Rs. 50,000
Medical treatment for handicapped dependent or payment to specified scheme for maintenance of handicapped dependent
– Disability is 40% or more but less than 80%
– Disability is 80% or more
– Rs. 75,000
– Rs. 1,25,000
Medical Expenditure on Self or Dependent Relative for diseases specified in Rule 11DD
– For less than 60 years old
– For more than 60 years old
– Lower of Rs 40,000 or the amount actually paid
– Lower of Rs 1,00,000 or the amount actually paid
Self-suffering from disability :
– An individual suffering from a physical disability (including blindness) or mental retardation.
– An individual suffering from severe disability
– Rs. 75,000
– Rs. 1,25,000
Contribution by companies to political parties
Amount contributed (not allowed if paid in cash)
Contribution by individuals to political parties
Amount contributed (not allowed if paid in cash)
Deductions on Income by way of Royalty of a Patent
Lower of Rs 3,00,000 or income received