As per the Income Tax Department's Notification Number 11/2013 dated 19/02/2013, have changed some Income Tax Form 16. The new Form 16 have some changes that previous Form 16, but the changes have made some format of Form 16 and some Column Head of Form 16.

Download Automatic All in One Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software for Non-Govt Employees(Private Employees) for the F.Y.2016-17 [ This Excel Utility can prepare at a time Individual Salary Structure as per Private Concern Salary Pattern + Individual Salary Sheet + Individual Tax Compute Sheet  + Automatic H.R.A. Exemption Calculation U/s 10(13A) + Form 12 BA + Automated Form 16 Part A&B and Form 16 Part B for F.Y.2016-17 with all amended Tax Section as per Finance Budget 2016-17]

      This Excel-based Software can prepare the Automatic Form 16 for the Financial Year 2016-17 and Assessment Year 2017-18, this Utility can use the only for Non-Govt employees.

     The Central Finance Budget have already Amended some Income Tax Section for F.Y.2016-17 and have some Income Tax Section have included from the Financial Year 2016-17 and Assessment Year 2017-18.

It appears from the Central Budget 2016, the Income Tax Rebate Rs. 5,000/- vide U/s 87A can be availed who's Taxable Income, not more than 5,00,000/-. New Section has also included previously as U/s 80 TTA ( Relief from Savings Bank Interest up to 10,000/-) and U/S 80 CCG ( Rajiv Gandhi Equity Bond ).

The Income Tax Section 80GG have raised Max Rs. 60,000/- who have not got any House Rent allowances from their Employer.

All the Feature of New Central Budget have in this Excel Based Software, and you can view all Income Tax Section at a glance.

Download the NewAmended Master of Form 16 Part B in Excel Format for the Financial Year 2016-17 & assessment year 2017-18. [ This Excel Based Software can prepare at a time 50 employees Form 16 Part B for F.Y.2016-17 including all Income Tax amended Section limit as per Financial Year 2016-17]