Click here to Download the latest Income Tax Preparation Excel Based software which can prepare CENTRAL  Govt employee’s For F.Y.2015-16 ( This Excel utility can prepare at a time Tax Computed Sheet + Individual Salary Sheet + Salary Structure for Central Govt  Salary Pattern for calculating the Gross Salary Income + Automatic House Rent Exemption Calculation + Automatic Form 16 Part B and Form 16 Part A&B for the Financial Year 2015-16 and Assessment Year 2016-17.)

Main Data Input sheet for Central Govt employees
 As per the Central Govt Salary Pattern and Central Govt employees Salary and Allowances made this Excel Utility and follow the Central Finance Budget 2015. All the Amended in Income Tax as per the Finance Budget have in this Software for the financial Year 2015-16 and Assessment year 2016-17.

It seems that the various Central Govt Office calculate the Income Tax as manually which take time to calculate the Tax Liability.In this Excel Based Software can use Central Govt   Employee.

The Salary Structure of Central  Govt Pattern have built in this utility and which can fit for  Central Govt  Employees Salary Structure. 

This Excel Based Software most easy to generate and easy to handle. You can prepare more than 100 employees TDS on Salary by this One software ( One by One).

Feature this utility

1.     In build the Salary Structure for Calculating the Gross Salary with the all Benefits of Central Govt Salary Pattern.
2.     All the Income Tax Section have in this Utility and you can view the section at a glance
3.     Automatic Calculate your Income Tax Liability
4.     Automatic Calculate the House Rent Exemption Calculation U/s 10(13A)
5.     Automatic Prepare the Form 16 Part B and Form 16 Part A&B as you like to print
6.     Print Facility of all the sheets
7.     Automatic Convert the Amount in to the In Words 
Central Govt employees Salary Structure

Click here to Download the latest Income Tax Preparation Excel Based software which can prepare Central Govt employee’s ( This Excel Utility can prepare at a time the Tax Computed Sheet + Individual Salary Sheet + Salary Structure for any State Govt concerned Salary Pattern for calculating the Gross Salary Income + Automatic House Rent Exemption Calculation + Automatic Form 16 Part B and Form 16 Part A&B for the Financial Year 2015-16 and Assessment Year 2016-17.)